

I will ghostwrite you a creative poem

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Cena35,00 €
Doručenie do5 dní


For this gig, I will ghostwrite you a poem with a great rhyme scheme. I have been writing poetry, as well as ghostwritten for many music artists for the past several years, and have a masters degree in Creative Writing. There is no limit to the length of the poem, because the best poetry is finished when it flows at the right length. I am offering this gig as way for you to impress someone with your "own" creative words about anything. I can make the poem as serious, funny, or any other mood as you'd like. Choose any subject, and I will deliver it FAST. If you are not satisfied, I will refund your money. Order a great poem now!


1 poem include


Opt for extra fast completion if you have a specific deadline!


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O predajcovi

Som učiteľkou angličtiny. Mám viac ako desaťročnú pedagogickú prax. Okrem vyučovania som pracovala aj ako copywriterka, konzultantka a tvorila marketing. stratégie v rôznych organizáciách. Bakalárske štúdium som absolvovala na University of St Andrews a magisterský titul som získal na The London School of Economics v odbore digitálne inovácie a informačné systémy. Teraz pracujem v oblasti produktového manažmentu. Pomohla som viac ako 1 500 študentom získať prijatie na špičkové univerzity v USA, Kanade, Spojenom kráľovstve, Európe, Hongkongu a Austrálii. Your grade is my responsibility.

aktívne objednávky 0
krajina Slovenská Republika
jazyk Slovenský
registrácia 19. 8. 2021
hodnotenie 98.44%
predaj 0