

I will write short but effective emails for your email marketing campaign

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Cena85,00 €
Doručenie do5 dní


I don't DESIGN e-mails. I write content for e-mails.

**Due to the demand for this service, I have decided to create this gig. The purpose of email marketing is to "sell the click." For emails to be effective, they must be able to convince the reader to click the link to your site or sales letter. You can also do some pre-selling to get your readers in the "buying mood" before they actually go to your website and buy something. If all this sounds good to you, order this gig.



$85: --- 1 Effective Mail (150-200 words). TOP Quality! 


Don't just settle for services from Non-reputed sellers. Hire Me and watch the profits Roll-In.


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O predajcovi

Som učiteľkou angličtiny. Mám viac ako desaťročnú pedagogickú prax. Okrem vyučovania som pracovala aj ako copywriterka, konzultantka a tvorila marketing. stratégie v rôznych organizáciách. Bakalárske štúdium som absolvovala na University of St Andrews a magisterský titul som získal na The London School of Economics v odbore digitálne inovácie a informačné systémy. Teraz pracujem v oblasti produktového manažmentu. Pomohla som viac ako 1 500 študentom získať prijatie na špičkové univerzity v USA, Kanade, Spojenom kráľovstve, Európe, Hongkongu a Austrálii. Your grade is my responsibility.

aktívne objednávky 0
krajina Slovenská Republika
jazyk Slovenský
registrácia 19. 8. 2021
hodnotenie 98.44%
predaj 0